Friday, May 11, 2007

It's a beautiful Friday

Hey hey.....this is what I have been waiting - Friday. It's been a long week for me after starting my new job. Now I can look forward for weekend and have a good rest. And maybe grab my camera and start taking some nice photos. I think I would like to take some black & white photos. Well, lets see how is it going on. I will share some if the photos are good. Haha...

By the way, I plan to get a Canon 30D this coming Aug, that's before my China vacation. As for that, I need to do some saving right now. Phew!!!! Money is being spent like running water from the fire hose - so fast. "Daniel, control Daniel", that's what I have been telling myself not to spend too much money buying unnecessary stuffs since I have spent a lot during my San Francisco trip.

Well, time to log off now. Happy Weekend everyone! Yahoooooooooooooooo

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