Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Photos in Black and White

What do you think of this photo on the left side? I am standing in the middle of the railway. This photo is taken by my youngest sister, Ruth.

I just like it so much as it gives a certain kind of mysterious momemnt. Haha...

Here's another 2 wedding photos taken by me in B&W.

FYI: I have decided to do freelance for wedding photography - in a way I can continue enjoying my passion in photography and at the same time earning some extra pocket money to buy better camera accessories.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Petai! Petai! Petai!

I believe most of the Malaysians know this food very well. Here's some photos to share that I took recently.

Courtesy from Wikipedia for Petai description.

Parkia speciosa (petai, twisted cluster bean, yongchaak or stink bean), is a plant of the genus Parkia in the family Fabaceae. It bears long, flat edible beans with bright green seeds the size and shape of plump almonds which have a rather peculiar smell.

They are an acquired taste, but are popular in southern
Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia and North-eastern India and are sold in bunches, still in the pod, or the seeds are sold in plastic bags. Depending on the country of origin they may be labelled peteh, petai, yongchaak or sataw (sometimes spelled sator). They are best when combined with other strong flavoured foods such as garlic, chile peppers, and dried shrimp, as in "sambal petai". When young the pods are flat because the seeds have not yet developed, and they hang like a bunch of slightly twisted ribbons, pale green, almost translucent. At this stage they may be eaten raw, fried or pickled.
*Note: The effect of eating Petai will have very strong effect on your urine, where it adds on special aroma to it. Haha...Don't believe? Try and see.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Surrendering the Doubts in Life

So many things that I wish I could do or have it. But I realize that most of the things I desire are beyong my control. I have tried so many times to do every single possible way to achieve my dream(s), even to the extend of being selfless-ness; but that doesn't show any positive result, which sometimes I ended up with more bitterness and regrets!!!

I start my car engine and drive off slowly while at the same time looking upon the windows - hoping something might happen...haha... I guess I really want it to happen faster than I have planned. Hey guys, at least I am putting HOPE.

I often talk to God and share stuffs to Him, I know He is there ready to listen to me. The journey back home changed to be more comforting - from disappointment to gladness and joy in the heart. I told Him that I just want SURRENDER everything, every single things in my life to Him. Tears might try secretly escaping from my eye lids - and I let it flow freely, knowing that I can continue to stand up and face the trials in life. I just need to be still and have faith in God.

Phew!!! What comforting trip back home. Thank You God for giving me the strength to walk thru the daily unexpected challenges. I just want to trust and surrender everything to You.