Here's some of the highlights I experienced:
- Went to Beijing on business trip and visited Richard and his family. Also had the opportunity to see the Great Wall of China.
- Family gathering during Chinese New Year. It was wonderful as all of us are back home for family reunion and I am looking forward for more reunion.
- Commited in serving God through web ministry. Also be active in cell group activities in Jireh Unlimited, This is an awesome CG to be with. I grow so much spiritually and having beautiful friends (bro and sis) encourage and helping each other in any area.
- Took another serious step in my relationship with Melissa and we plan to settle down next year. Yes, looking forward for my big day.
- Lastly, my passion for photography start to receive acceptance among friends. Pushing myself to another level in this hobby; with that I began my freelance services together with Melissa. Here's our photo blog,

Happy Birthday, Daniel...
Btw, gave you an award, check it out:-
thanks Pet
oh..u hvn't been blogging...
Anyway got a tag for to get into the blogging mood...
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