Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Neophyte Training in Santa Rosa

Here's some photo I took together with other participants from Neophyte training. Neophyte is a program specially designed for my company's field personnels and of coz other customer support team are involved too. We are being trained to learn basic knowledge on Agilent wide products and how to help customers to purchase the right instrument for the needs.

In my group, there are participants from few countries, such as Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, India, Nigeria and Khazastan. It is a wonderful group and I got to the chance to know their working cultures and building up friendship with all of them.

Our group photo with Mobile Broadband Div trainers.

Looking tired after Network Analyzer lab training.

Photo session with Kanji-san, one of our trainer for network analyzer.

Photo session with Cherrie from Basic Instrument Div. She nice and lovely.

Te-Ho (Korea) with Amit (India) getting friendly during Signal Analyzer lab training.

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