Monday, October 15, 2007

我是房奴了。。我要加油!! - My dreams!

Last Saturday night I attended SNL (Saturday Night Live) and the speaker for that night is Dr. Paul Ang. He shared his testimonies and how God has greatly blessed him so many times. I like the part where we were told to repeat this sentence, "I am deeply loved; I am greatly blessed; I am highly favored". Indeed when I reflect back my life, I can see how God has truly blessed me in so many little things in my life. I just feel the peace and joy in my heart that night and I know my Father in heaven is always there for me and He is going to bless me even more - more than enough till my cup runs overflow. All I need to do is to obey and follow Him. God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.

Labor for a house? Yes and I am doing my best and walking with faith. And I can't express how much I am deeply in loved by God for His blessing in fulfilling one of my heart's desire.

Here's a photo taken recently by Meng Siong at Benji's home in Kulim; it's a funny and normal face photos.

I also made some MTV for the photos and uploaded in YouTube. Here is the link to PillowTalk in YouTube

1 comment:

小小 said...

ya, we r the lucky one and full with love... ^_^ got to appreciate it... ^_^